Assessment of the possibility of substantiating the status of hard-to-recover reserves based on the analysis of the density distribution of the porosity ratio based on well logging data

UDK: 550.832:622.276.011.43
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-9-61-64
Key words: low-permeable reservoirs, status of hard-to-recover reserves, tax benefits
Authors: I.D. Latypov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa; RN-TECHNOLOGIES LLC, RF, Moscow),2 R.Z. Akchurin (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa) E.O. Timakova (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa)

In recent years, fields with hard-to-recover oil reserves have been actively developed. This is facilitated, among other things, by government support in the form of tax benefits. However, in order to get these benefits, oil reserves must meet the criteria of being classified as hard-to-recover. One of the criteria according to the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation from 15.05.2014 № 218 "On approval of the Procedure for determination of permeability and effective oil saturated thickness of the reservoir for hydrocarbon deposits" hard-to-recover reserves include deposits characterized by permeability of less than 2·10-3 mcm2. In order to substantiate the permeability coefficient for a deposit, petrophysical dependence of permeability on porosity is plotted based on the results of core testing. In case of small or unrepresentative core samples, the investigated samples may not cover all variations of physical and lithological characteristics across the formation. In this connection, the value of permeability coefficient of the deposit can be overestimated and there is no possibility to get tax benefits. The work presents a methodology that will allow evaluation of the possibility of substantiating preferential permeability in low-permeability formations with non-representative sampling, while conducting additional core studies.

This approach is based on the estimation of the refined petrophysical relationship of permeability and porosity taking into account the distribution of porosity coefficient based on well logging data. Application of the method will allow identification of low-permeability deposits with the potential to receive tax benefits after additional core studies.


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