The conceptual model of the processes of the production management center of the oil refinery

UDK: 658.012:665.6.013
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-8-122-126
Key words: production management center, conceptual model, IT systems, organizational and functional structure, production management
Authors: A.I. Korovin (Samaraneftekhimproekt JSC, RF, Samara; Samara State Technical University, RF, Samara) E.A. Meshkova (Samaraneftekhimproekt JSC, RF, Samara; State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, RF, Samara) Ya.E. Dvurekov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow) A.V. Komogorov (Samaraneftekhimproekt JSC, RF, Samara)

Currently, manufacturing companies are focusing on the advantages of IT solutions to increase competitiveness. At oil refineries, there are a number of problems associated with insufficient automation of management processes, oversaturation of production data, but without an adequate level of analytics and management based on this data. The solution is the centralization of competencies for the collection, processing and analysis of important production information within the production management center (PMC). The PMC format is close to traditional dispatch and situation centers, but goes beyond them due to deeper work with the collected data in a historical perspective and through forecasting and optimization tasks. The article describes a conceptual model that is the basis for the implementation of the PMC, which solves a number of tasks and problems existing at the refinery. The described conceptual model is designed to accelerate the timing of information collection and processing, increase the level of automation and centralization of refinery management processes, efficiency of decision-making, industrial safety, creation or development of a unified information environment for control and management of production processes. The proposed conceptual model includes a description of the levels of the PMC IT platform, a scheme of interaction of the PMC digital platform with hardware and software complexes and IT systems (participating or providing relevant information for the operation of the PMC), a conceptual scheme of IT systems of the PMC digital platform (to achieve the target production management process), tasks implemented by the modules of the PMC digital platform, description of the organizational and functional structure of the PMC (including the standard structure of the PMC, requirements for the organization of the PMC staff) and the placement of production and human resources.


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