Borehole fastening during the plastic flow of salts using the active resistant method

UDK: 622.24
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-89-93
Key words: deformation, fastening, casing, manifestation, absorption, collapse, plastic flow
Authors: A.R. Deryaev (Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gas of the State Concern Turkmengas, Turkmenistan, Ashgabat)

The process of constructing wells for subsalt deposits is complicated by the opening of high-pressure brines in the salt-bearing deposits that overlap them. Such brines in the salt-bearing deposits were the main reason for restraining the development of the fuel and raw materials base and the continuing uncertainty in assessing the prospects of the subsalt complex in the eastern part of the oil and gas basin of Turkmenistan. The problem of successful construction and completion of wells in salt-bearing deposits still remains relevant and economically feasible not only for the Eastern part of Turkmenistan but for all countries where there are thick salt-bearing deposits. A successful solution of the problem will contribute to a more intensive development of the gas industry. It is believed that an increase in the technical and economic indicators of drilling operations in areas complicated by brine occurrence can be achieved by allocating zones with the maximum probability of occurrence of these complications over the area of deposits. Usually, geophysical methods are used for these purposes, in particular, the method of the common deep point. However, as drilling shows, not all types of brines can be predicted by existing methods of geophysics. Another negative side of this type of forecast is the forced, unrelated to the morphology of the trap, placement of exploratory, and subsequently exploration and production wells outside the zones of brine occurrence, which causes a sharp decrease in the efficiency of not only exploration, but also field operation. The revealed patterns of formation of high-pressure brines in salt-bearing deposits allow recommending not only the forecast of the zone (place) of occurrence, but also of the mining and geological situation in salt-bearing deposits, ensuring compliance of drilling technology with the geological conditions of the section. The work is devoted to an urgent issue – countering the crumpling of casing strings during inelastic deformations of salt deposits and prolonging the life cycle of production casing. The author has proposed a fundamentally new method, which was not previously used in Turkmenistan. The essence of the method is to actively counteract plastic deformations of salt-bearing deposits from the side of the well support instead of the existing passive resistance of the support to crumpling.


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