Effects of geological and tectonic features of an oil field on gas-oil ratio and gas composition

UDK: 552.578.1
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-18-22
Key words: migration theory, oil delivery channels, fluids, gas-oil ratio, gas composition, field, analogues
Authors: О.S. Sotnikov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), I.E. Beloshapka (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), Е.V. Levanova (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), A.Kh. Kabirova (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk),

Today, the issues related to replenishment or refill of target formations of producing oil fields by deep hydrocarbons are of special importance. Fluid migration between rock formations in presence of oil delivery channels in one of the oil fields caused changes in produced fluid properties and composition thereby resulting in substantial discrepancies with known fluid parameters from similar oil fields. Based on analysis of the tectonic framework of Paleozoic structural stage of central regions of Volga Federal District, the tectonic map of Russia, adjacent territories and water areas and maps of oil fields across the Republic of Tatarstan, the field of interest is located in potential fault zones of sedimentary cover. The paper considers the effects of geological and tectonic features of the field on gas-oil ratio. The results are confirmed by migration of the lightest gas components from oil of underlying beds. The authors also analyzed the composition of gas liberated during PVT studies of deep oil samples compared to analogous fields. Redistribution of component peaks based on molecule size and weight (heavy and large molecules move downward, while light and small molecules move upward) was observed. The results obtained prove the potential of fluid inflow from deeper layers of the Earth’s crust and thus substantiate the theory of hydrocarbon migration through oil delivery channels.


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