On management and economic risks of complex oil and gas fields development

UDK: 658.5; 336.226.46
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-6-116-119
Key words: oil and gas industry, multicomponent raw materials, management, taxes, investments, group of problems, groups of risks
Authors: K.S. Semenov (Ministry of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region, RF, Astrakhan; Astrakhan State Technical University, RF, Astrakhan), S.K. Semenov (Astrakhan State Technical University, RF, Astrakhan)

The structure of the world's oil and gas reserves is constantly changing: the share of environmentally friendly, easily extracted raw materials is decreasing, which requires a significant increase in investment and special scientific research, including economic and managerial research. The article discusses the current aspects of the development of oil and gas complex-component fields with the corresponding developments and proposals, which in a timely manner, with an increase in the number of these deposits in the turnover of world and Russian natural resources, requires management decisions. Topical issues of analysis and effective management of national, sectoral and regional development of the oil and gas industry, taking into account the peculiarities of field development and the composition of fossil raw materials, the possibility of forming the Astrakhan (Caspian) regional oil and gas cluster are investigated. Risk groups with recommendations for management based on the developed systematization of economic and managerial problems of the development of multi-component raw materials, as well as organizational and economic measures to solve systematized aspects and effective development of deposits in general, are proposed, which ensures the universalization of development management and functioning. It is recommended to use in the oil and gas industry the state complex stimulation of investments in combination with state assistance to innovations, including the above mentioned objects, as the simultaneous use of all possible support mechanisms in the formation of conditions when it is possible to apply stimulation only with effective functioning and development.


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