Assessment of the possibility of resource management of a marine terminal tank by regulating the intensity of cyclic loading

UDK: 622.292.23
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-6-107-111
Key words: oil tank, marine terminal, operating mode, cyclic loading, low-cycle fatigue, walll
Authors: N.N. Gorban (CPC-R, RF, Moscow), G.G. Vasiliev (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), I.A. Leonovich (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)

The article shows the possibility of managing the resource of a marine terminal oil tank by regulating the intensity of cyclic loading using the example of comparing operating options for two tanks at a marine oil terminal. A comparison of various variants of technological modes was carried out and the corresponding cyclic loading levels were calculated for two SVFRT tanks of 100 000 m3. For the calculated levels of cyclic loading, an assessment was made of the timing of reaching the limit state according to the criterion of fatigue accumulation and fatigue crack formation, which in turn can be used to limit the service life of the tank or change its operating mode. The article evaluates the stress-strain state of a wall section with a possible anomaly at different tank filling levels for various options for cyclic operation of tanks. For the calculated levels of cyclic loading of tanks and taking into account the stress-strain state of the wall section with an anomaly, the timing of reaching the limit state was assessed according to the criterion of fatigue accumulation and the formation of a fatigue crack in this anomaly. It is shown that the service life of the tank can vary significantly depending on the selected loading mode and the corresponding level of cyclic load. It is shown that reducing the number of tank loading cycles can be achieved by increasing the number of loading cycles of another tank within the same tank farm. This change in tank operating mode will not reduce the productivity of the entire tank farm, but can significantly slow down the accumulation of fatigue in the tank for which the number of cycles is being reduced. The calculations and modeling performed show the possibility of controlling the resource of a tank according to the criterion of low-cycle fatigue in a wide range by changing the level of cyclic operation of the tank.


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