Modeling of flotation processes with different types agents in settling tanks for water purification system maintaining reservoir pressure

UDK: 628.16:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-6-102-106
Key words: oil, flotation, computer modeling, VOF method, k-ε turbulence model
Authors: I.I. Karpov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), L.R. Khasanshin (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa)

The article discusses the possibility of computer modeling of the flotation process in Ansys Fluent software. The flotation is one of the main processes of water purification from oil products and mechanical impurities. The flotation method allows achieving a higher degree of purification compared to other methods. To assess the economic feasibility of using the flotation method as a method of purifying produced water, a field was selected for which three options for water treatment were considered: the gravity method and flotation using air and associated petroleum gas as working agents. Schemes have been developed for water treatment at a facility with excess oil content in the treated water. Modeling the flotation process in specialized software allows taking into account many parameters that affect the efficiency of the process, such as the flow rate of the working agent, the concentration of reagents and others. A model has been developed that describes the process of phase separation in a flotator when preparing water to standard values, according to the residual content of oil products and mechanical impurities, with subsequent injection into the reservoir. The model allows simulating the flotation process with great accuracy, optimizing the operating conditions of the flotator and improving the quality of water purification. The use of computer simulation in the water treatment process has a number of advantages, such as reducing the time and cost of pilot testing, the ability to effectively analyze and optimize the process, and improve the quality of water treatment. Thus, the created flotation model is an important tool for the development and optimization of the water treatment process, making it possible to ensure the achievement of the required standards for the content of petroleum products and mechanical impurities in the water before its injection into the reservoir. The results obtained can be used to make decisions on the introduction of new technologies for purifying produced water at oil production sites, which will improve the production efficiency of oil and gas companies and reduce the metal consumption of equipment in conditions of increasing water cut in wells.


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