On solving problematic issues when designing the development of new gas-oil and oil-gas deposits in conditions of insufficient data

UDK: [622.279+622.276].001.2
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-6-73-77
Key words: oil-and-gas deposits, oil-gas-condensate deposits, analogue object, material balance, displacement characteristics, hydrodynamic forecasting methods
Authors: F.N. Nigmatullin (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), A.I. Ponomarev (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa)

The article deals with the issues of determining the development indicators of oil-gas-condensate and gas-and-oil deposits in conditions of insufficient data for design at the Green Field stage. The complexity of designing of oil-and-gas and oil-gas-condensate deposits in comparison with oil and gas deposits, connected with necessity of taking into account a whole complex of problems such as gas breakthroughs, operating modes, methods of completion, well drilling and strategy of sequence of oil and gas development is marked. To solve the problems of designing new oil-and-gas and oil-gas-condensate reservoirs, solutions are proposed in the part of justification of reservoir parameters for designing, applying a new approach in justification of analogue objects, taking into account qualitative and quantitative parameters with weighting of the latter by the degree of influence on the development indicators. The database of analogues of Rosneft PJSC and the methodology for identifying analogue objects implemented in the corporate software product allows the selection procedure to be carried out within 15 minutes, which is significantly faster than the traditional approach to manual selecting of analogues. Taking into account the great influence of oil and gas production indicators of gas-and-oil and oil-and-gas deposits on the amount of capital investments and the economic feasibility of their commissioning into development, the importance of the design stage of this type of deposits in conditions of uncertainty of available data without the use of 3D hydrodynamic models increases significantly. For this purpose the authors have developed a method of express calculation of forecast indicators using a modified equation of material balance of oil-gas-condensate deposit and a set of displacement characteristics, which allows taking into account gas breakthroughs to oil wells, modes of operation, method of completion and strategy of the order of development of oil rim and gas cap.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17122/ntj-oil-2023-3-48-60

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