Formation of a technological approach to well completion and hydraulic fracturing in the development of domanic deposits

UDK: 622.276.1/.4:558.98 Н.П.
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-6-68-72
Key words: domanic deposits, oil source reservoir, well completion, hydraulic fracturing
Authors: A.P. Stabinskas (RN-Exploration LLC, RF, Moscow), V.M. Yatsenko (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), R.R. Khaliulin (RN-Exploration LLC, RF, Moscow)

This article discusses the results of the first stage of pilot industrial work aimed at selecting and testing technological solutions for large-volume multistage hydraulic fracturing operations in horizontal wells of domanic deposits. Information is provided on the key factors of well construction, promising technologies for completion and hydraulic fracturing operations. The emphasis is placed on the need to prepare for the implementation of projects for domanic deposits, taking into account the well design, cementing of the horizontal section of the well, the use of materials and equipment that meet increased requirements for use in an aggressive environment with a high content of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide, the requirements for providing completion services designed for work at pressures up to 105 MPa. Comparative results of using secondary formation exposing methods are shown, taking into account the potential of upcoming modifications of hydraulic fracturing technological modes with an increase in injection flow. Based on the results of bench tests, the prospect and the expediency of perforation and blasting operations on the cable using Plug and Perf technology with the placement of several perforation intervals in the area of one hydraulic fracturing stage are noted. Significant complicating technical, technological and logistical factors have been noted, which should be taken into account when preparing for the implementation of projects for the development of domanic deposits. The article provides information on the main directions of further study of technical and technological issues in order to adapt innovative technologies. The material presented in this article can be useful to a wide range of engineers in the search for technological solutions and ways to optimize the design of hydraulic fracturing in the development of domanic deposits.


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