Study of the possibility of using radioactive heat sources for the implementation of thermal enhanced oil recovery methods

UDK: 622.276.652.001
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-6-55-62
Key words: nuclear heating, thermal enhanced oil recovery methods (EOR), steam-generator
Authors: S.I. Kudryashov (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow), G.V. Sansiev (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow), I.S. Afanasyev (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow), D.A. Antonenko (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow), A.L. Myalitsin (Radium Institute named after V.G. Khlopin JSC, RF, Saint Petersburg), S.V. Surov (Radium Institute named after V.G. Khlopin JSC, RF, Saint Petersburg), A.G. Verbitsky (Radium Institute named after V.G. Khlopin JSC, RF, Saint Petersburg), Yu.V. Osheiko (Radium Institute named after V.G. Khlopin JSC, RF, Saint Petersburg)

The world's recoverable reserves of heavy oils and bitumen are estimated at 120 and 60 billion tons respectively, which is more than 60% of world oil reserves. Significant part of these reserves is located in Russia. A lot of the bitumen deposits in Russia are complicated by their autonomous location in remote areas of Eastern Siberia without access to developed infrastructure or are associated with small deposits. While traditional oil reserves depletion, the value of heavy oil and bitumen deposits, and, consequently, the methods of their development, is growing. Zarubezhneft JSC has a program for the development of methods for enhanced oil recovery. In collaboration with partners, promising technologies with a low TRL (technology readiness level) are being developed, which may be in demand in future. Together with the Rosatom company, the possibility of using radioactive heat sources for the implementation of thermal EOR was evaluated. Designs of downhole steam generators have been developed, the energy source for these generators are rods from control and protection system (CPS) of nuclear reactors that have expired their time at nuclear power plants. CPS rods are a consumable material in the energy production cycle at nuclear power plants, which makes it possible to organize a closed cycle of using the rods: usage in the CPS of nuclear reactors, after that their discharge with a heat producing as part of an in-well steam generator and return to the CPS.


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