Assessment of the quality of testing of exploratory wells in the preparation of hydrocarbon fields of the Arctic shelf for commercial development

UDK: 622.279.04.658
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-6-45-49
Key words: shelf, well, casing test, testing, testing and hydrodynamic logging (TRC-HDL), flow rate, hydrodynamic parameters, well productivity
Authors: S.N. Menshikov (Gazprom PJSC, RF, Saint Petersburg), S.S. Chuzhmarev (Gazprom PJSC, RF, Saint Petersburg), V.E. Petrenko (Gazprom PJSC, RF, Saint Petersburg), M.F. Nuriev (Gazprom PJSC, RF, Saint Petersburg), A.V. Ovechkin (Gazprom Nedra LLC, RF, Moscow), V.N. Khoshtariya (Gazprom Nedra LLC, RF, Moscow), S.E. Dmitriev (Gazprom Nedra LLC, RF, Moscow), O.V. Fominykh (Tyumen Industrial University, RF, Tyumen)

Gazprom Nedra LLC, a subsidiary of Gazprom PJSC, has been carrying out exploration work on the Arctic shelf in the Barents and Kara Seas for more than 10 years. Extensive experience has been accumulated in the construction of deep offshore exploration and evaluation wells. In order to increase the efficiency of preparing Arctic sea deposits for industrial development and optimize the exploration process, the company actively uses modern technologies in the construction and exploration of wells, including modern devices for testing and hydrodynamic logging (hereinafter TRC-HDL) on cable. TRC-HDL devices make it possible to directly determine the saturation of the studied interval by pumping the reservoir fluid, monitoring the properties of the fluid in real time, before the influx of pure product, to take conditioned samples of reservoir water and hydrocarbon raw material while preserving all properties in reservoir conditions, to study the properties of oil and gas in reservoir and standard conditions and contained therein associated components, to study the altitude position of fluid contacts (or conditional counting levels) according to sampling data and taking into account field and geophysical data, to measure initial and current reservoir pressures, saturation pressures. They also allow determination of the calculated values of well productivity, initial and current well flow rates according to approved Methodological Recommendations for substantiating the calculation parameters of deposits in terrigenous deposits according to well logging data and new TRC-HDL methods when registering and transferring hydrocarbon raw material to industrial categories of reserves. The article presents the results of evaluating the quality of testing of exploration wells of Gazprom PJSC on the shelf of the Arctic seas using TRC-HDL devices. The data obtained using the TRC-HDL methods were compared with the results of well testing in the drill string. As a result of comparing the actual well flow rates with the calculated data, their convergence was proved, thus, the effectiveness of testing wells with cable devices during geological exploration on the Arctic shelf was justified.


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