The influence of hysteresis phenomena in oil production on the oil recovery factor

UDK: 622.276.1/.4
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-6-92-97
Key words: oil recovery factor, irreversible deformation, wettability, phase permeability hysteresis, capillary pressure, oil displacement front instability, control parameter, oil, gas and water discriminants
Authors: A.Kh. Shakhverdiev (Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University for Geological Prospecting, RF, Moscow)

The article considers the influence of hysteresis phenomena on the technological process of oil production and the final oil recovery factor. The search for the cause-and-effect relationship of oil losses in the production process is the subject of fundamental scientific research, laboratory studies and pilot tests. The negative impact of the hysteresis loop, encountered in various stages of the oil and gas production process, on irreversible changes in the development efficiency indicators is shown on specific examples. Hysteresis phenomena leads to the need to revise the methods of solving the basic problems of hydrodynamic modeling and analysis of dynamic systems, because it can radically affect the traditional conclusions and practical recommendations. In the steady-state filtration regime, phase displacements make all kinds of oscillations in the vicinity of the unstable equilibrium position, caused, first of all, by irreversible hysteresis phenomena and jumps in the control parameters of the process. It is assumed that the root cause of hysteresis phenomena in the process of multiphase fluid filtration is forced withdrawal with application of high pressure drops, prohibitive load – unloading onto rocks during geological and engineering operations, instability of oil displacement front with water and other technological and man-made problems or violations. As a consequence, due to irreversible changes in permeability and porosity, capillary retention of oil in hydrophilic porous media, bifurcations in the zone of instability of oil, water and gas contact in the process of multiphase filtration, the formation of stagnant and poorly drained areas is observed, which makes unattainable project indicators, including the final recovery factor of oil, gas and condensate. The article offers theoretical and practical solutions to a number of problems that prevent the negative impact of irreversibile hysteresis phenomena. The realization of the developed practical recommendations and new ways of solving the problems mentioned in the article is aimed at the reduction of losses in the final oil, gas, condensate recovery factor.


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