Model of supply chain management in the oil and gas industry using digital technologies

UDK: 004:658.7:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-120-125
Key words: oil and gas industry, supply chain, digital solutions, supply chain management model, blockchain, smart contracts, internet of things (IoF)
Authors: D.S. Bratskikh (Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University, RF, Saint Petersburg), N.V. Romasheva (Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University, RF, Saint Petersburg) A.Y. Konopelko, L.A. Nikolaychuk (Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University, RF, Saint Petersburg)

Oil and gas companies are actively implementing digital solutions into their logistics networks to optimize processes and increase business efficiency. The study identified current supply chain management issues in the oil and gas industry and their potential solutions through the use of digital technologies. As a result, a blockchain-based oil and gas supply chain management model, (BCSCM O&G), was developed using smart contracts and the Internet of Things (IoT) to ensure transparency, security, and efficiency in managing the supply chain in the oil and gas industry. Experimental simulation of the model, using IoT simulation at various stages of the supply chain, confirms its potential for significantly improving supply chain management by providing transparency, reliability, and real-time data accuracy. Recording IoT data on the blockchain provides supply chain participants with access to precise and up-to-date information in real-time, reducing the risk of errors and manipulation. Smart contracts automate the execution of contract terms, contributing to increased efficiency and cost reduction. The implementation of blockchain technologies combined with the IoT not only enhances monitoring and control of processes but also helps create safer and more optimal supply chains. These innovative approaches encourage the re-evaluation of traditional management methods, creating more sustainable and competitive models that meet the demands of the modern market. Thus, the digital transformation of supply chain management in the oil and gas industry represents a crucial step toward improving overall business efficiency and sustainability.


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