Aspects of digitalization and information technology in the field of engineering surveys

UDK: 681.518%624.131.1
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-114-119
Key words: computer-aided design systems, information modeling, engineering surveys, soil information model, 3D model, classifier of engineering and geological elements, machine-readable format
Authors: D.G. Didichin (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), V.A. Pavlov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), A.A. Paziy (NK Rosneft-NTC LLC, RF, Krasnodar), V.V. Solodkin (NK Rosneft-NTC LLC, RF, Krasnodar), I.D. Baranovskiy (NK Rosneft-NTC LLC, RF, Krasnodar)

The article is devoted to digitalization in the field of engineering surveys for the construction of industrial facilities. The authors consider the advantages and prospects of using three-dimensional information modeling of soils at all stages of the object's life cycle (planning, design, preparation of working, documentation design, construction, operation and dismantling). The formation, maintenance and examination of an information model of a capital construction facility are regulated by state acts, which must be taken into account when developing information modeling tools. The article discusses the problems that specialists face during the implementation of digital solutions in the field of engineering surveys, and suggests ways to solve them in order to further introduce information modeling into the production activities of the Rosneft Oil Company. To implement information modeling based on a 3Dl model, it is necessary to create a common information environment based on the principles of customization and functional versatility. In order to obtain machine-readable geological data, it is proposed to introduce a single code for the calculated geological element, a unified data structure, as well as a common repository based on a geoinformation system. A loader has been developed to enter and process soil parameters, which allows reading reports in a traditional format. The result of processing geological data in specialized software is a 3D geological model with soil characteristics at any point in the array.

The research is of interest to survey engineers, designers, builders and anyone interested in modern technologies in construction.


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