Environmental safety and environmental protection developments of The Pipeline Transport Institute

UDK: 502.55:622.692
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-8-16-20
Key words: pipeline transport, oil, oil transportation, environmental compatibility of pipeline transport
Authors: A.S. Dunaeva (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow) A.N. Kalashnikov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow) M.T. Gaysin (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow)

The system of main pipeline transportation of oil and oil products is a component of both fuel & energy and transport sectors in the Russian Federation. The constant pivotal priority of Transneft PJSC being Russia's major oil pipeline company is environmental protection and a high level of environmental safety at Transneft production facilities. In accordance with the Health Safety Environment (HSE), Energy Efficiency, and Environmental Safety Policy of Transneft PJSC, the main principles of the Company’s activities are as follows: reducing the environmental impact of production activities; counteracting climate change processes; preventing and mitigating negative impacts on the environment, rational use of natural resources; involvement of staff across all levels in improving the environmental management system; and openness of significant information on the environmental safety activities. The development of environmental protection equipment and technologies is a promising line of business for The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC in the field of environmental safety of pipeline transportation. Every year, the experts of The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC successfully solve the tasks assigned to them to protect atmospheric air and water bodies, preserve biodiversity, save energy, and counteract climate change. They regularly evaluate identified scientific and technical problems and formulate related rectification proposals.


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