Utilization of oil sludge by absorption with rubber crumbs

UDK: 502.36
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-2-120-123
Key words: oil sludge, recycling, ecology
Authors: V.G. Ryabov (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm), M.P. Krasnovskikh (Perm State National Research University, RF, Perm), N.N. Slyusar (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm), V.N. Korotaev (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm), A.A. Ketov (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm)

Oil sludge is known as the most massive and hard utilized waste generated in the oil industry. The amount of accumulated oil sludge at any refinery is usually measured in tens of thousands of tons in spite of the ongoing recycling activities. The problem of oil sludge utilization is complicated by climatic conditions of Russia. The absorption capacity of the rubber crumb made from end of life tires in relation to oil sludge absorption for the purpose of further utilization as a fuel in cement kilns is discussed in the article. The oil sludge of one of the refineries of the middle zone of the Russian Federation was studied. Oil sludge is a stable colloidal system with high-water content and dispersion phase distributed in it in the form of petroleum products with a particle sizes of 1-10 microns. The studied oil sludge sample contained water, 61.2%wt. organic components and 15.5%wt. of ash residue according to thermogravimetric analysis. The composition and calorific value of the organic part of the oil sludge does not allow its fire disposal due to the low energy potential of the petroleum products included in its composition. It is proposed to separate the organic component of oil sludge by absorption with a rubber crumb. One quota of rubber crumbs absorbs 1.0–1.1 mass quota of oil sludge per day at a temperature of 65°C and the product preserves the technological properties of the bulk material. The ash residue during the burning of end of life tires contains inorganic oxides that are naturally included into the cement clinker and therefore do not require separate disposal. The organic components during combustion release a significant amount of heat sufficient for its fire disposal in cement kilns, which saves the main process fuel.


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