Improving the reliability of mapping non-anticlinal oil traps at the stage of a high degree of subsurface exploration

UDK: 553.98
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-2-18-22
Key words: non-anticline trap, sedimentation cycle, hydrocarbons, reservoir, cap rock, well, reference point, layer, border, thickness, terrigenous formation, erosive surface, correlation
Authors: V.A. Saveliev (Udmurt State University, RF, Izhevsk), N.G. Istomina (Udmurt State University, RF, Izhevsk), S.B. Kolesova (Udmurt State University, RF, Izhevsk), O.M. Mirsaetov (Udmurt State University, RF, Izhevsk)

Currently, for every oil producing company, an urgent problem is replenishing the resource base of oil. Along with exploration in new, poorly studied areas and improvement of methods for extracting hydrocarbons from developed deposits, an urgent task is to identify and search for new complex objects confined to non-anticlinal type traps. Such objects may contain hydrocarbon reserves, both in discovered fields and in zones of their formation near the area of hydrocarbon accumulation. The majority of non-anticline traps on the territory of Udmurtia are predicted in the Lower Carboniferous terrigenous formation, mainly in the Visean stage. This formatiom is the second in terms of hydrocarbon reserves within Udmurtia, and the predominant number of structures controlling deposits in this interval are anticlinal. In the process of prospecting, appraisal and exploration, non-anticline traps were also mapped, having a complex structure and sharp lithological heterogeneity. In this regard, insufficient attention was paid to the study of their boundaries and configuration. In addition, the existing methods of studying such objects do not allow mapping their boundaries with a high level of reliability. This paper presents a method for mapping the boundaries of non-anticline oil traps having an underlying erosive surface at the base, based on the combination of standard conventional reservoir modeling techniques and identified patterns between geological and geophysical parameters within the terrigenous formation. When modeling the cyclicity of sedimentation, the proposed method takes into account the different rate of compensation of the underlying erosional surface by sediments, which makes it possible to predict the intervals of formation of non-anticlinal traps more reliably.


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