Experimental studies of the heterogeneity of the response of petroleum dispersed systems to the use of solvents

UDK: 622.276.6
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-1-75-79
Key words: high-viscosity oil, rheological properties, viscosity, solvent, petroleum dispersed system, activation energy
Authors: I.A. Guskova (Almetyevsk State Oil Institute, RF, Almetyevsk), M.I. Amerchanov (PJSC TATNEFT, RF, Almetyevsk), D.R. Khayarova (Almetyevsk State Oil Institute, RF, Almetyevsk), T.L. Gayfullin (Almetyevsk State Oil Institute, RF, Almetyevsk)

As a rule, the effectiveness of an oil production technology based on chemical reagents is usually associated with the composition of the reagent and the technological parameters of injection. However, when developing new technologies, it is also necessary to take into account the heterogeneity of the response of the dispersed oil system to external influences. It is known that the composition and properties of oil, especially at the late stage of oil field development, are largely determined by the continuous change in geological and physical conditions during the development process. Temperature and pressure affect the stability of asphaltenes in the petroleum dispersed system and, accordingly, the physicochemical characteristics of the produced oil. Despite a fairly large amount of research into the interaction of oil and various chemical reagents, the question remains to what extent the results obtained are universal.

In the article, based on experimental laboratory studies of the influence of solvents in various concentrations on changes in the viscosity-temperature characteristics of oil samples taken from wells of one deposit, differences in their rheological behavior were identified and the intervals of the most significant changes were determined. The results obtained show the need to expand research into the heterogeneity of the response of petroleum dispersed systems to external influences and the potential for increasing the efficiency of technologies for extracting hard-to-recover oil reserves using solvents. Considering that during field development the nature of changes in the composition and properties of oil is dynamic and complex, an in-depth study of the processes occurring during the interaction of oil and chemical reagents is of high scientific and practical significance.


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