Permanent production wells monitoring in Achimov deposits for pilot project

UDK: 622.276.1/.4
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-12-24-29
Key words: hard-to-recover reserves, field management, reservoir management, multistage formation hydraulic fracturing, Achimov formation, pressure transient analysis, well tests, drainage zone, radius of drainage, productivity index
Authors: L.A. Davletbakova (Research and Educational Centre Gazpromneft – USPTU, RF, Ufa), D.V. Shuvaev (Research and Educational Centre Gazpromneft – USPTU, RF, Ufa), V.Yu. Klimov (Gazprom Neft Companу Group, RF, Saint Petersburg)

The article presents the results of long-time monitoring (more 2 years) for production horizontal wells with multistage hydraulic fracturing and for vertical wells with hydraulic fracturing at the pilot project of Achimov deposits development. The aim of the study was to estimate reservoir properties, reservoir pressure, productivity, as well as to analyze pattern efficiency on pilot project of Achimov deposits. The initial data of well test, daily production rates of liquid and oil, bottom-hole pressure were used. In addition, the authors used well log interpretation results and PVT-properties. The article presents an assessment of reservoir and near wellbore parameters, such as permeability, skin-factor, fracture half-length, radius of drainage and reservoir pressure. These parameters were interpreted according to three scenarios: minimum (min case), basic (base case), and maximum (max case). Radius of drainage helped to perform interference analysis. The article describes an approach to analytical estimation of water injection system efficiency based on well test models qualitatively and quantitative. Fluid dynamics parameters from well test help history match and generation of dynamic models. Interference analysis of production and injection wells allow to design/optimize oil-field exploitation system, prove wells spacing and the distances between them. At the same time, a quantitative assessment of water injection system increases accuracy of cost estimates.


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