The influence of abnormal radioactivity on the assessment of geological reserves in carbonate reservoirs of the Artinskian age

UDK: 550.832.555
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-11-73-77
Key words: carbonate rocks, abnormal radioactivity, uranium, clay content, core samples, alkali flat, nodule anhydrite, fracturing
Authors: A.R. Serbaeva (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), E.A. Kachkaeva (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), D.D. Suleymanov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), G.R. Amineva (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa)

The article considers oil and gas prospects of radioactive interlayers of poorly studied carbonate formations of the Artinskian age of the Volga-Ural province for the purpose to increase the resource base of the region. The authors used an integrated approach to obtain the most reliable results for discovering of sedimentational conditions of the P1ar formation, assessing the reservoir properties of potentially productive intervals with high radioactivity and analyzing their lateral extension. Petrophysical, geological and field information of the object were collecting. Detailed correlation and the search of interlayers with increased radioactivity were made based on the complex of integral and spectrometric gamma ray logging data. A compilation of the selected interlayers with the core data and well testing is carried out. Sedimentological characteristics of the P1ar formation were assessed through an analysis of logging information and core description. The authors carried out a research of the conditions of the P1ar formation, an identification of the reasons of the uranium presence in these rocks. The article presents the results of creating a conceptual geological model of the P1ar formation, taking into account the refined petrophysical basis which was obtained by combining the analysis of core material, spectrometric gamma ray logging, well testing and geological correlation. Based on the results of the work, the reservoir properties of radioactive interlayers were confirmed and further research was recommended.


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