Method to determine TRSSSV control line operating envelope in production and water injection wells

UDK: 622.276.53.057-33
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-10-109-112
Key words: tubing retrievable subsurface safety valve (TRSSSV), well integrity, subsurface safety valve, operating envelope, pi process book data link
Authors: T.N. Gafarov (SAKHALIN ENERGY LLC, RF, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk), R.G. Oblekov (SAKHALIN ENERGY LLC, RF, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk), A.M. Akhmetdinov (SAKHALIN ENERGY LLC, RF, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk), Yu.A. Pestsov (SAKHALIN ENERGY LLC, RF, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk), A.V. Moiseenkov (SAKHALIN ENERGY LLC, RF, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk), N.V. Semendyaev (SAKHALIN ENERGY LLC, RF, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk), D.A. Leskina (SAKHALIN ENERGY LLC, RF, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk)

Tubing retrievable subsurface safety valve (TRSSSV) is “protective blowout barrier” and the main safety critical element, which plays a vital role in well integrity and is the part of government requirements for well equipment. The TRSSSV is located in the upper part of the wellbore and is necessary for tubing shutdown in the event of a critical emergency. The TRSSSV includes flow gate, controlled sliding sleeve, spring mechanism and pressure relief chamber. The valve operation principle is to create counteraction to the spring by supplying liquid (oil) through the control line. Due to the pressure in the control line, the TRSSSV flow gate position maintained in the open state. Properly selected valve operating parameters provide additional fault resiliency to the safety unit and allow to: 1) mitigate risk of the valve seals damage; 2) prevent low pressure in the control line that leads to flapper dangling (flow gate frequent cyclic opening and closing of the valve); 3) prevent control lines overpressure in the event of TRSSSV failure, what could lead to a rupture of the tube at the surface.

In article TRSSSV control line pressure calculation principle and setting operating envelope are described taking into account wellhead pressure, fluid gradient pressure (in the tubing in front of TRSSSV), control line system surface pressure, TRSSSV nominal operating pressure. For real-time monitoring MS excel based PI Process Book Data Link tool was developed that allows auto calculation based on current well parameters and triggers if when control line pressure is out of defined operating envelope.


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