Engineering standards for oil and gas facilities

UDK: 622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-10-82-86
Key words: process design, industrial safety standards, information model
Authors: N.N. Andreeva (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)

Transition to immediate engineering of capital construction projects in the digital environment and the creation of informational model (IM) affects all industries. To create an IM, it is necessary to encode a reflection of the structure and elements of technological process. The basic elements of reflection of oil and gas industrial facility processes are PFDs and P&IDs, developed by appliance of modern calculation and automation tools. Development of a safe technological process is regulated by industrial safety standards for oil and gas facilities. Elaboration of the standards in five areas (refineries, gas processing plants, LNG, development of oil and gas fields) had demonstrated that they do not contain description of the rules for calculation of technological processes, requirements for the graphic design of processes, requirements for symbolic displays of equipment, requirements and principles for constructing P&ID diagrams, which are scientific and technical basis of the information model (IM - digital twin). The standards are replete with prohibitive positions and do not contain recommendations for creating an IM object. It is proposed to carry out a total revision and introduce into the Standards, the concepts of PFD and P&ID diagrams development, standard symbols used for graphical reflection of the technological process for smooth transition to a machine-readable format of design documentation developed for state review.


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