Corporate environmental and social esponsibility of modern Energy (on the example of Gazprom PJSC)

UDK: 338.2:502.34
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-9-60-65
Key words: sustainable development, corporate governance, Gazprom PJSC, corporate environmental and social responsibility, Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) strategy, climate agenda, ESG ratings
Authors: A.V. Fedash (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), N.E. Lobzhanidze (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), O.S. Sizov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), A.S. Kharybina (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)

A course for sustainable development has firmly entered into the planning of economic flows of both entire states and companies, including oil and gas companies. The approach based on Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) is sewn by corporations into their internal strategies, so that they can not only competently manage their non-financial risks, but also gain advantages in the field of «green» financing. In the article ESG strategy is considered on the example of Gazprom PJSC. For Gazprom PJSC, which was one of the first to adopt an Environmental Policy in 1995, the priority areas are steady economic development and growth of the Company's profitability, provided that natural resources are reproduced and social support of the population. The features of management and corporate governance allow the Company to successfully implement environmental and social policy due to the internal regulations adopted. The adaptation of Gazprom's business model to the low-carbon trend is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by burning an equivalent amount of fuel, as well as through the implementation of corporate energy saving and energy efficiency programs. The criteria for internal evaluation of the effectiveness of Gazprom's environmental programs are corporate goals adopted relative to the base year 2018. The most important areas of the Company's activities within the framework of social management are ensuring the well-being of the indigenous peoples of the north and the development of the regions of presence. Gazprom's sustainable development agenda includes projects in the field of resource conservation, hydrocarbon processing, green economy, renewable energy sources, as well as low-carbon development.


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