Causes and consequences of the global energy market reshaping

UDK: 339.92:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-8-6-11
Key words: global energy, global economy, sanctions, energy crisis, energy demand, oil and gas industry, oil, investments, oil and gas companies, Russian oil and gas industry, Russian economy, Rosneft, Vostok Oil
Authors: Sechin I.I. (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow)

The article considers results of the aggravation of reproduction and development issues in the bloc of Western coalition countries, which are manifested in the sharp escalation of sanctions pressure against its key opponents. Sanctions are destroying the once solid institution of contractual obligations, the social sphere, the financial sector and ultimately the global market itself.

As the financial and legal instruments that previously ensured the functioning of the world market are weakening, the energy sector and, in particular, the oil industry will have to develop new solutions in order to exist and develop in the new environment. This will require building new institutions for interaction between states, strengthening the integration of national payment systems of different countries, and increasing the share of settlements in national currencies.



In this environment, hopes for re-establishment of balanced energy markets and restoration of global economic dynamics are increasingly pinned on the capabilities of Russia, which has already proven its economic resilience. Due to its energy potential, Russia can meet the world's long-term needs for affordable energy resources, and make an important contribution to shaping a new configuration of markets independent of sanctions pressure.

Rosneft's Vostok Oil Project, unique in its scale, becomes a driving force that encourages the development of a number of economic sectors due to the multiplier effect of the investments made. It is the only project in the world capable of producing a stabilizing effect on hydrocarbon markets while delivering the highest efficiency and sustainability performance.



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