On the issue of timely geophysical surveys of wells that determine the technical condition of production strings

UDK: 622.
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-7-65-68
Key words: production string leakage, tubing failure, determination of the technical condition of the production string, deposits in the production string, corrosive fluid production, Jurassic deposits
Authors: I.I. Ryabkov (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, Surgutneftegas PJSC, RF, Tyumen)

The article deals with the problem of the lack of information on the actual technical condition of production strings and the possible risks of complications arising during the operation of producing wells. The methods for determining the integrity damage of the production string during field geophysical surveys are described. Conditions are given under which a standard set of well logging is ineffective for detecting leaks in a well during routine repairs. A special well logging method is considered. This method makes is possible to study the size and geometric shape of the formed leak. Based on an actual example, the nature of the production string damage and its possible causes are analyzed. As one of the main factors that influenced the occurrence of complications in the well, the possible formation of corrosive deposits in the interval of the electric submersible pump is considered.

It has been suggested that deposits on the inner wall of the production string were formed due to metal corrosion during production of aggressive fluid of Jurassic deposits. The results of geophysical studies aimed at determining the degree of corrosion of the production string, including the allocation of the interval of its greatest development, are presented. The assumption about the cause of intense corrosion of production strings is indirectly confirmed by information on the degree of operating time of downhole equipment before its wear and other data. Measures are proposed to study considered problem in order to obtain reliable information on corrosion processes in production strings and the aggressiveness of fluids produced from Jurassic deposits. Increasing the degree of knowledge on the problem will make it possible to take timely optimal decisions that prolong the operation of the well.

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