Selection of promising technologies to limit water and gas flow in horizontal wells of the Kuyumbinskoye field

UDK: 622.
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-7-36-40
Key words: water-and-gas shut off, horizontal well, Kuyumbinskoye field, water inflow, gas inflow, sealants
Authors: V.Yu. Nikulin (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), R.R. Mukminov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), A.R. Shaymardanov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), T.E. Nigmatullin (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), A.S. Kovtun (Slavneft-Krasnoyarskneftegas LLC, RF, Krasnoyarsk), D.P. Kulakov (Slavneft-Krasnoyarskneftegas LLC, RF, Krasnoyarsk)

The article considers the main approaches to the choice of water and gas flow restriction technologies in horizontal wells of the Kuyumbinskoye oil-gas-condensate field. Characteristics of carbonate Riphean reservoir is given, relevance of water and gas flow limitation in all intervals of horizontal wellbore – «heel», «middle» and «toe» is noted. Taking into account and using the field experience in applying technologies with similar conditions, the main types of insulating compositions with the potential to limit the inflow of water and gas in carbonate reservoirs, including polymer compositions, organosilicon compositions and high-viscosity emulsions, are considered. The results of laboratory studies of three brands of gel-forming compositions capable of forming extended insulating screens with a different mechanism of formation of the insulating mass (two compositions based on organosilicon compounds and one composition based on cross-linked polyacrylamide with the addition of reinforcing components) are presented. Filtration studies used fracture models of different openness – from 50 to 650 μm. The results of the studies show that all studied compositions are technologically simple to prepare and are able to form an insulating mass for blocking water and gas inflow. In order to apply under field conditions the technology of water shutoff by means of controlled injection of plugging compound into the target interval of the drilled hole, the organosilicon compound with the highest values of residual resistance factors both for water and gas was chosen. A two-packer arrangement with an injection port in the inter-packer space was used for injection. After the work was done, a significant decrease in fluid flow rate was observed.


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