Efficiency assessment of innovative instrumentation & methodic equipment complex АINK-PL

UDK: 550.832.5.07/.08
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-7-6-9
Key words: assessment of efficiency (performance evaluation), cost-effectiveness analysis, import substitution, pulse neutron gamma-ray spectral logging, reservoirs of complex structure, hard-to-recover reserves, pilot field trials, domestic technologies, well logging, АINK-PL
Authors: I.A. Zyryanova (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), I.Sh. Khasanov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), D.A. Mitrofanov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen)

The Rosneft Oil Company is consistently working on Hi-Tech well logging development. Research efforts involves cooperation with the leading Russian manufactures and research centers targeted at further development of both instrumentation pool and software support, as well as the in-house projects aimed at well logging efficiency and self-descriptiveness improvement having the industrial expansion potential. Search for new ways to develop domestic well logging has laid the foundation of cooperation between Rosneft Oil Company and State Corporation Rosatom»(FSUE VNIIA). The joint efforts brought to technological independence in the area of Hi-Tech well logging and resulted in the domestic pulse neutron gamma-ray spectral logging appliance (АINK-PL) manufacturing. The АINK-PL is not only comparable to the most recent developments, but does predominate in terms of engineering design.

The article presents application efficiency assessment for АINK-PL under various geological and process environment conditions of the Rosneft oil fields. The pilot field trials have been carried out in almost every Russian oil and gas province both for terrigenous and carbonate deposits of complicated mineral composition. The results have demonstrated substantiation of the given technology able to accomplish with the full range of petrophysical tasks. The planned extensive АINK-PL implementation within the Rosneft Oil Company will provide substantial decrease of well logging operating costs and increase the oil and gas production efficiency.


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