Experience in organization of data management and implementation of data warehouse and BI tools in oil and gas company

UDK: 681.518:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-6-70-73
Key words: data management, data storage, data quality
Authors: A.V. Venediktov (NESTRO LLC, RF, Moscow), E.A. Galtsov (NESTRO LLC, RF, Moscow), D.V. Mishanin (NESTRO LLC, RF, Moscow), E.V. Toichkin (NESTRO LLC, RF, Moscow), D.V. Turchanovsky (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow)

Competition in the oil and gas industry is growing in the world, and it obliges oil companies to constantly improve the efficiency of their business processes. One of the tools that allows Zarubezhneft JSC to achieve this is system reengineering and automation of the data handling business process. To solve this problem, in 2020 Zarubezhneft JSC initiated a digital project to create a corporate digital data management platform NESTRO DATA as part of its digital transformation program. The article presents the results of a project to create a corporate digital platform for data management NESTRO DATA as a centralized source of the "Single version of the truth" for all major aspects of the Company activities to improve the efficiency of analytical work with data and management decision-making. During the implementation of the project, individual unique specialized production systems used in the regions of the Company presence around the world are integrated into a single information space. Within the framework of the project, in addition to directly creating the NESTRO DATA digital platform, important organizational and methodological tasks were completed to ensure the systematic operation of the new tool in the company: a Data Management Competence Center was created, a Data Management Strategy was approved, processes were regulated in one of the key areas for further transfer of the platform into the process, management of centralized management of regulatory and reference information, management of data integration and interoperability in the Zarubezhneft Group of Companies.

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