Models of the knowledge base and database of technical and economic indicators for oil and gas fields in the intellectual-logical system GRAF

UDK: 681.518:338.45:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-6-65-69
Key words: economic evaluation of development projects, information technology, knowledge bases, databases, intelligent system, optimal solutions, specific cost standards, economic efficiency
Authors: Yu.G. Bogatkina (Oil and Gas Research Institute of the RAS, RF, Moscow)

The modern assessment of the economic efficiency of an oil and gas project involves the construction of a specific economic and mathematical calculation model, as well as the analysis of project criteria based on a set of predictive technological indicators for the reservoirs being developed and the field as a whole. The complexity of such modeling lies in the initial collection of information and its constant updating, since each field is individual and has its own geological and technological features of development, various options and standards for capital and operating costs, as well as tax models. Taking into account the latter provision, the intellectual-logical system (ILS) GRAF was developed. The core of the system is the use of a network (graph) form of representation of computational models, as well as a database management system of initial technical and economic indicators for various options for the development of oil and gas fields. The calculation structure is hierarchical and may change depending on the degree of knowledge and exploration of deposits, as well as on the possible change in the volume and content of the initial geological, technological and economic information. The result of an economic assessment based on the use of knowledge bases and data is to identify the most rational option for developing a field that meets the criterion for achieving the maximum economic effect from the possible complete extraction of oil reserves from the reservoirs while observing the requirements of ecology, subsoil and environmental protection. It is relevant that the creation of models of knowledge bases and databases for the economic assessment of the development of oil and gas fields allow storing information on fields in a systematic way and reproducing the history of economic indicators of field development in dynamics for the operation of an applied ILS in order to select the most effective options for the development of various deposits.


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