The study of new methods for the development of carbonate deposits with interfacial oil-water zones

UDK: 622.276.1/.4:552.54
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-3-32-35
Key words: waterflooding, oil recovery factor, oil-water zones, oil-water contact, horizontal well, water shut-off, viscoelastic fluid
Authors: V.N. Kozhin (SamaraNIPIneft LLC, RF, Samara), S.V. Demin (SamaraNIPIneft LLC, RF, Samara), I.I. Bakirov (Kazan Scientific Center LLC, RF, Kazan)

Enhancing oil recovery of carbonate deposits with active oil-water zones is an urgent task for the oil industry. The main problems in the development of objects with oil-water contact zones are associated with premature wells watering and, as a result, a reduction in the period of profitable operation of wells, as well as a decrease in the oil recovery factor. To reduce wells watering rate, increase the time of dry operation of wells and the oil recovery factor, a large number of works are being carried out. The use of various well designs (horizontal and vertical), opening and water shut-off technologies, physicochemical and hydrodynamic methods for enhanced oil recovery leads to a short-term decrease in water content in the produced product, a slight increase in the time of waterless operation and oil recovery. However, the analysis of these solutions shows the fundamental possibility of increasing the oil recovery from carbonate reservoirs by successfully blocking the ways of water inflow into the well. The article considers the results of the search for new approaches and methods for the development of carbonate deposits with oil-water contact zones. Fluid filtration studies were carried out using sectoral geological and hydrodynamic models. Several technologies of water shut-off works in horizontal wells were modeling. To isolate zones of fractures crossing a horizontal wellbore, injection of viscoelastic compositions, mechanical isolation with packers, as well as combinations of these methods were analyzed. It is shown that the complex use of injection of viscoelastic compositions and separation of the wellbore into sections by packers will increase the oil recovery of carbonate reservoirs with a water-oil contact zone.


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