Conceptual modeling and analysis of complex polyfacial systems of paleochannels on the example of one of the layers of the Tyumen formation

UDK: 55:553.98
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-5-57-61
Key words: geological modeling, alluvial deposits, paleochannels, Tyumen formation, conceptual modeling, uncertainty analysis, resource base estimation
Authors: N.A. Polyukh (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), K.I. Dantsova (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), S.F. Khafizov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)

In recent years, the geological structure has become more complex, the number of new discovered hydrocarbon deposits is decreasing. Thus, in order to maintain and replenish the resource base, modern research methods are needed to reproduce the geological structure in detail of deep-lying horizons.

This article discusses a modern approach to the detailed study and modeling of alluvial polyphase systems of paleochannels in order to search for promising objects for geological exploration. As an example, the process of studying one of the formations of the Tyumen suite in the West Siberian oil and gas province is described.

The approach used includes a full range of studies, starting with the study of the results of 3D seismic interpretation  the most widely used method in the analysis of alluvial continental deposits is the spectral decomposition method, which allows geometrizing cut bodies and conducting seismic facies zoning. After the analysis of seismic surveys, special attention was paid to the downhole analysis and correlation of the selected objects with the result of geophysical studies of wells. Thus, after a detailed analysis of the seismic interpretation results along with well information, a final conceptual model was obtained, which, in turn, can be used as a basis for further 2D or 3D geological modeling. While modeling it is necessary to take into account the significant heterogeneity and uncertainty of the geological structure of such systems. Even the most modern methods of conducting and interpreting seismic surveys cannot yet give a clear zoning of the distribution of reservoirs within such deposits. Therefore, for the construction of a geological model and the subsequent assessment of the resource base, probabilistic modeling should be used, establishing ranges of variable parameters. Thus, in conditions of sufficiently large uncertainties, it will be possible to obtain a probabilistic picture of promising objects for further exploration


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