Estimation of prospects for oil and gas potential of the Lena branch of the Predverkhoyansk foredeep based on basin modeling

UDK: 55:553.98
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-5-52-56
Key words: basin modeling, Cis-Verkhoyansk trough, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), prospects for oil and gas potential, generation-accumulation hydrocarbon systems
Authors: I.E. Roslyak (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), K.I. Dantsova (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), A.S. Monakova (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)

The Pre-Verkhoyansk foredeep is territorially confined to the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), in tectonic terms it is part of the Siberian Platform, being its eastern frame, its area is 520 thousand km2. According to the oil and gas geological zoning, the study area belongs to the Predverkhoyansk oil and gas region, which is part of the Leno-Vilyui oil and gas province. The trough stretches from the lower reaches of the Lena River to the middle course of the Aldan River. The shape of the deflection resembles an arc.

The geological study of the Pre-Verkhoyansk foredeep territory begins at the end of the 40s and the beginning of the 50s of the last century. In 1951 specialists of the Yakutsk Geological Administration drew up a long-term plan for prospecting and exploration of oil and gas for 19551960. During the implementation of the plan, two deposits were discovered  Ust-Vilyuiskoye (1956) and Sobo-Khainskoye (1961).

Parametric drilling was carried out on the territory of the trough, and seismic surveys were carried out using the common depth point method in the basin of the river Sobolokh-Mayan in the 7080s, however, as a result of these and subsequent exploration, no commercial accumulations of hydrocarbons were discovered.

Thus, the high prospects for the oil and gas potential of the Predverkhoyansk foredeep have not been proven at present.

the author carried out 3D basin modeling on the basis of published data on the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) within the Lena branch of the Predverkhoyansk trough. Qualitative and quantitative criteria are analyzed and described for the prospects for oil and gas in the study area. Recommendations on promising areas of exploration work are presented.

Schlumberger PetroMod software was used for basin modeling. Based on the results of the performed 3D modeling, the following oil and gas conditions were analyzed  paleostructural, lithofacies and geochemical conditions. The catagenetic evolution, the degree of depletion of the generation potential of oil and gas source rocks are also considered, the processes of migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons are evaluated.


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