Reduced operating costs as a criterion for the effectiveness of workovers program

UDK: 622.276.64
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-3-64-66
Key words: operational costs, technological efficiency, workovers program
Authors: R.N. Fakhretdinov (Multifunctional Company ChemServiceEngineering LLC, RF, Moscow), A.A. Fatkullin (Multifunctional Company ChemServiceEngineering LLC, RF, Moscow), A.Ya. Khavkin (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)

In modern conditions, the assessment of the efficiency of an oil producing company is shifting from the criterion of oil recovery growth towards a reduction in operating costs in particular by implementing the necessary geological and technical measures. Economic accounting of all costs is a way to reduce operational costs in an engineering way. One of the important ways to reduce operating costs by workovers program is to reduce the unproductive water phase used in oil production. ChemServiceEngineering has developed a whole range of innovative technologies to reduce operating costs of oil-producing companies.

The authors consider as an example water shutoff technology based on reagent AC-CSE-1313 brand A developed by Multifunctional Company ChemServiceEngineering. This technology has passed laboratory testing and has been recommended for industrial use. Since 2015, well operations have been performed for one of the oil and gas companies. On average, the reduction in the volume of produced associated water amounted to 43 % with an increase in oil production more than 7%. Calculations have shown that for a producing well (water production - 300 m3/day, water content - 98%, production cost – 6-16 USD/barrel), the use of the water shutoff technology will give an annual income of 3.5 million rubles for spending 1.5 million rubles on technology, including VAT. When water shutoff is implemented in 35 wells, the annual revenue will amount to more than 107 million rubles, which means a corresponding reduction in the operating costs of the oil company (up to 20%).


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