Methodical approach to exploration of hard-to-discover hydrocarbon deposits

UDK: 553.98.001
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-3-14-17
Key words: hard-to-recover reserves, geological exploration activities, tectonic dislocationsб oil and gas fields, hydrocarbons
Authors: E.V. Lozin (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa

Based on geological data accumulated during geological exploration activities (GEA) for oil and gas, we can see the following trend. The share of non-productive small fields (sites) of a complicated structure is gradually increasing in the discoveries, up to the complete replacement in this process of large- and medium-sized fields (not to mention giant ones) with high-quality reservoirs. This trend has common features with the process of involving oil and gas fields in the development, where two varieties of this trend can be noted. On the one hand, there is a decrease in the share of giant, large and medium hydrocarbon fields. Accordingly, there is an increase in the share of developing small fields, the oil-bearing capacity of which is concentrated in layers of a complex structure, which are often disjunctively disturbed and have low filtration properties. On the other hand, when developing mature fields, the role of poorly developed reservoirs with low filtration properties is growing. In oilfield practice and science, such fields and reservoirs with degraded geological and physical parameters are called sites with hard-to-recover reserves. New sites with hard-to-recover reserves found out at the late GEA period are discovered with increasing methodological difficulties, with a high degree of risk and, for this reason, they should be described as hard-to-

discover reserves. Their geological criteria are consistent with those of hard-to-recover reserves sites; however, in the GEA practice, for the sake of convenience, it is reasonable to classify them as hard-to-discover. Upon introducing this concept, the classification of oil and gas fields according to the reserve quality criterion will have a complete structure.


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