Developing and implementing in Rosneft Oil Company the methods for the determination of organochlorine compounds in chemical reagents

UDK: 543.848:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-11-68-72
Key words: organochlorine compounds (OCС), chemical reagents, sample preparation, methods for the determination
Authors: Е.Yu. Nevyadovskiy (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), Е.V. Osiyanov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), М.А. Veklich (TomskNIPIneft JSC, RF, Tomsk), P.А. Nikulshin (All-Russian Research Institute for Oil Refining JSC, RF, Moscow), А.А. Botin (All-Russian Research Institute for Oil Refining JSC, RF, Moscow), S.V. Tarazanov (All-Russian Research Institute for Oil Refining JSC, RF, Moscow), I.I. Zanozina (Middle Volga Oil Refining Research Institute JSC, RF, Novokuibyshevsk), А.K. Kаrpukhin (Middle Volga Oil Refining Research Institute JSC, RF, Novokuibyshevsk), V.V. Kоnovalov (SamaraNIPIneft, RF, Samara), А.S. Kirillov (SamaraNIPIneft, RF, Samara)

The negative impact of organochlorine compounds (OCC), as undesirable components of oil, results in increased corrosion of oil refineries equipment. Regulatory restriction of the content of OCC concerns not only the regulation of the concentration of OCC in oil, but also in potential "pollutants" of commercial oil. The most obvious such potential pollutants are chemical reagents that are used in the oil production, preparation and transportation. To prevent this risk it is necessary to ensure the control of each batch of chemical products entering the oil production facilities. At the same time, similar requirements should be applied by producers of chemical products when controlling the quality of chemical reagents. Establishing a clear mechanism for controlling the chemical products quality in relation to the content of OCC is a priority task for Rosneft Oil Company during interacting with suppliers. The task contains two key areas: the establishment of detection limits and methods of determination.

Rosneft Oil Company carried out work on the development and state certification of methods for determining chemical content in reagents. The methods were implemented in subsidiary and communicated to suppliers for symmetrical control of outgoing chemical products. The developed methods make it possible to determine OCC and substances capable of decomposing to OCC under the influence of temperature. The methods are focused on the maximum use of analytical equipment, reagents and accepted procedural approaches available in oilfield laboratories, and also do not contain increased qualification requirements for technical staff. The specificity of the methods lies in the features of the sample preparation of a chemical reagent, taking into account various states of aggregation and features of industrial application, which gives the methods a universal character.


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