Determining the optimal method for increasing the throughput capacity of the technological section of main oil pipeline

UDK: 622.692.4.052
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-10-86-92
Key words: main oil pipeline, technological section, capacity, optimization, hydraulic efficiency of the method, economic effect, payback period of the project
Authors: R.R. Tashbulatov (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa; The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow), R.M. Karimov (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa), B.N. Mastobaev (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa), V.A. Pestova (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa), G.R. Gabdinurov (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa)

The authors propose an algorithm for choosing the cost-optimal method for increasing the throughput of oil pipeline sections. The algorithm is based on the condition of achieving the required increase in throughput at the minimum reduced cost of implementing the method, including both one-time capital investments and changes in operating costs that depend on from the volume of oil pumped. Considering that the main goal is to increase the productivity of oil pipelines above the maximum operating conditions for pipelines without limiting sections with reduced bearing capacity, the scope of the developed method lies in the area of developed turbulent modes. The adopted assumption significantly simplifies the complexity and variability of calculations, due to which the dependence of the change in flow rate on the pumping parameters and the configuration of the linear part - pressure, diameters and lengths of loops and inserts, as well as dosages of agents to reduce hydraulic resistance can be obtained in an explicit form. The latter can be translated into costs – direct and indirect, capital and operating. As a first approximation, indirect costs associated with the increase in the cost of maintaining and repairing sites are not taken into account. The optimization algorithm is based on the criterion of minimum costs, capital for the reconstruction of the linear part, and operating costs, associated with changes in unit costs for pumping a unit volume of oil, costs associated with energy consumption and the cost of hydraulic resistance reduction agents. The optimal method for increasing throughput corresponds to the minimum payback period or the expected forecasted profit for the billing period.


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