Features of the tectonics of the mangyshlak-ustyurt zone in the drawing of lineament systems (according to satellite images)

UDK: 551.24
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-5-48-53
Key words: Caspian syneclise, geological decoding, lineaments, disjunctive dislocations, Mangyshlak, Ustyurt
Authors: L.V. Miloserdova (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), S.F. Khafizov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), K.I. Dantsova (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), V.V. Shimansky (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow; Russian Research Geological Petroleum Institute, Saint-Petersburg branch, RF, Saint-Petersburg)

With the advent of the first satellite images of the Caspian Sea and the adjacent Turan plate, they became the object of studying the possibilities of using space imagery for geological purposes. The article presents the results of decryption using the WinLessa software package. The comparison of the lineament decoding scheme correlates well with modern tectonic schemes, for example, with the structural-tectonic map of the roof of the consolidated crust of the studied territory. The decryption scheme highlights all the main faults shown on the map of the consolidated crust, such as the North Karatau and Central Usyurt faults, and the Pachelma Rift. In addition, the southeastern extension of the Pachelma rift to the territory of the Caspian Sea and further to the Turan plate is highlighted, as well as the fault along which the valley in the lower reaches of the Volga River on the Volgograd-Astrakhan segment is developed. Elementary strokes are highlighted on different scales, which correspond to linear elements of the landscape of 715 km length and have similar characteristics on the same areas and differ in different ones. This indicates their reproducibility and informative value. The predominant orientation of small lineaments forms cluster sites in the form of blocks with a diameter of about 100 km. The highlighted rays of the rose diagrams correspond to the directions of the planetary fracturing (regmatic network). Global lineaments and their bundles divide the entire territory into separate blocks. When compared with the map of the consolidated crust, this is confirmed. At the same time, the well-defined lineaments in the images may be secondary and may not be the boundaries of large tectonic blocks, whereas the boundaries of large blocks are not so clearly expressed. The blocks that stand out in small strokes fit into the specified larger ones, like puzzle elements.


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