Carbon dioxide sequestration technology – assessment of efficiency improvement opportunities

UDK: 550.55:622.276.5
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-9-137-141
Key words: flue gases, carbon dioxide, carbon capture, amine treatment, monoethanolamine (MEA), Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS), efficiency improvement
Authors: Yu.S. Zakharevich (TomskNIPIneft JSC, RF, Tomsk; National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, RF, Tomsk), K.I. Erikssen (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow)

The article considers the current problem of production process decarbonization as well as the possibility of reducing costs when implementing the Rosneft Oil Company "low-carbon" development Strategy. It is known that the most capital-intensive component of carbon dioxide sequestration projects Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) is unit for carbon dioxide capture from flue gases (unit price may account for up to 2/3 of the CCUS project cost). The use of the classical technology of amine purification for capturing carbon dioxide from flue gases has a number of negative factors that significantly complicate the process of interaction of amine in the absorber with carbon dioxide, and directly affect the cost of the unit. These factors mainly include high flue gas temperature, low near-atmospheric pressure, and significantly different component composition of the inlet gas flow. In order to analyze to which extent key negative factors affect the process of carbon dioxide extraction from flue gases  authors developed a technological model of amine treatment unit with the help of Aspen Hysys software with an additional Rate-Based Distillation module. According to Aspen consulting support service, this module is the best universal tool for modeling carbon dioxide sequestration processes. The performed model studies allowed to establish that to operate the absorber column at atmospheric pressure with the process temperature no higher than 45°C is the most expedient option. At the same time, it is rational to leave the composition of the initial flue gas flow unchanged (if there is no stable additional source of pure carbon dioxide). Determining the optimal parameters for the operation of an amine treatment unit will allow for significant savings in energy resources and contribute to reducing the total cost of unit for carbon dioxide capture from flue gases.



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