Sulphate reducing bacteria lifecycle in oil field infrastructures of Western Siberia

UDK: 622.276.8
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-9-116-120
Key words: oilfield pipelines, tanks and vessels, sulfate-reducing bacteria, microbiological corrosion, internal corrosion, oil leaks
Authors: A.M. Vysotskikh (Izhevsk Petroleum Research Center JSC, RF, Izhevsk), Ya.D. Ivashov (Izhevsk Petroleum Research Center JSC, RF, Izhevsk), D.G. Tyukavkin (RN-Nyaganneftegas JSC, Nyagan), I.S. Puzanov (RN-Nyaganneftegas JSC, Nyagan)

In June – December 2020 Izhevsk Petroleum Research Centre JSC carried out large-scale research aimed at assessment of influence of oil reservoirs microbiological contamination on accidents rate of oilfield pipeline system used at of the Krasnoleninsky arch oil fields (Talinskoye, Em-Egovskoye and Kamennoye) in Western Siberia. Several hypotheses were tested and a review was made of the results of observations, data of laboratory and field tests earlier performed by specialists in microbiological corrosion in oil fields. Data on exploitation targets, oilfield infrastructure of RN-Nyaganneftegas JSC and pipeline accident statistics were analyzed, scope of work and research objects were determined at the initial stage. Further, the specialists Izhevsk Petroleum Research Centre deployed a chemical analysis laboratory directly at the industrial estate of RN-Nyaganneftegas JSC and took samples of liquid and hard deposits for research. The special biosondes had manufactured to determine a concentration of adhered forms of bacteria especially for this project. A high degree influence of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) on normalized frequency of oil leaks has been confirmed after consolidation of data on transported fluids corrosiveness through mathematical analysis. Favorable for SRB reproduction environment conditions, ranges and sources of microbiological contamination of the oil field system, and SRB lifecycle was determined. The dependence of insufficient effectiveness of pipeline corrosion protection on SRB presence had verified. As a result of the research, guidelines were formed available as a strategy for reducing accidents and extending the service life of the oil fields pipeline infrastructure.



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