Enhanced oil recovery methods using carbon dioxide

UDK: 622.276.43:661.97
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-9-78-84
Key words: carbon dioxide, enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods, oil recovery, tecnologies
Authors: L.I. Bondareva (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), A.V. Osipov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), A.S. Monakova (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), K.I. Dantsova (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)

Currently according to low-carbon economic development, carbon dioxide is considered not only as a greenhouse gas and industrial waste, but also represents a valuable resource. Due to the constant increase of hard-to-recover reserves it becomes necessary to use enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods. The use of carbon dioxide in EOR can be a solution. Multiple studies and tests have established that carbon dioxide can be used as an agent to increase oil recovery, and its injection also solves the problems of its capture and disposal. EOR methods represent an improvement of the usual processes of oil and gas field development based on the development and generalization of the basic concepts of the two–phase filtration theory. In many industrial areas carbon dioxide is used for various technological operations. For many years of practice in the development of oil and gas fields, many methods and techniques have been proposed to increase the oil extraction.

This article describes the main prerequisites for the use of carbon dioxide, gas properties, the main types of oil production technologies and EOR. On the basis of global field tests of EOR using carbon dioxide, features, possible complications and disadvantages of using carbon dioxide to enhance oil recovery are considered. Development of technologies and criteria for their effective application are dicussed.



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