Technogenesis and its impact on oil reservoirs development

UDK: 532.546:537.322.2
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-9-68-73
Key words: technogenesis, borehole environment, clogging, desalinization, suffusion, deformation, emulsion, foaming oil
Authors: L.A. Gaydukov (Messoyakhaneftegas JSC, RF, Tyumen), N.N. Mikhailov (Messoyakhaneftegas JSC, RF, Tyumen; Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)

On the example of unconsolidated high-viscosity oil reservoirs in Western Siberia and saline reservoirs with heterogeneous wettability in Eastern Siberia, based on actual operational data, laboratory experiments and numerical modeling, an analysis of the influence of anomalous effects of technogenesis on development indicators is carried out. Technogenesis refers to the stage of transformation of rocks in reservoir conditions under technogenic influence, when the technogenic processes mainly influence on the rocks composition and properties and fluids saturating, and natural conditions play a related role. Abnormal effects is understood as behavior deviating from the norm, general patterns accepted in the practice of oil reservoir development. Based on field data and generalization of previous studies, it is shown that during the development of unconsolidated reservoirs with high-viscosity oil a complex of anomalous effects of technogenesis occurs: deformation, destruction of the reservoir with an abnormal decrease in well productivity; destruction of screening clay bridges; formation of preferential filtration channels («wormholes»); the effect of «foaming oil»; intra-reservoir emulsification of oil. For saline formations, the reservoir desalinization effect in the process of flooding with low-mineralized water can have both positive and negative effect on the reservoir development indicators, depending on the degree and nature of the salinization spread along the section. On the actual examples, it is shown that standard modeling approaches and development design techniques do not fully take into account the specifics of the technogenesis of formations complicated by a unique complex of geological and physical factors. Achieving the efficiency targets of such hydrocarbon deposits is impossible without creating a scientific and methodological basis corresponding to the technogenesis specifics. Thus, the article substantiates the importance of creating scientific foundations for the oil reservoirs development in the conditions of abnormal technogenesis effects.



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