The role of field measurements of fluid production in the organization and digitalization of oil and gas production

UDK: 622.276.012
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-8-106-108
Key words: fluid production, oil and gas production, measurement of oil and gas production
Authors: N.N. Andreeva (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), A.N. Lishchuk (HMS Group Management Company LLC, RF, Moscow), L.N. Nazarova (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), A.E. Novikov (HMS Group Management Company LLC, RF, Moscow), K.N. Rysev (HMS Neftemash JSC Branch in Moscow, RF, Moscow)

Regular and qualitative measurements of oil, gas and water production by direct method, using special production measurements, are the basis for the formation of internal reporting of subsoil users, the material for analysis and decision-making. One of the most important tasks in the development of hydrocarbon deposits is the task of control and management. The quality of management decisions is determined not only by the professionalism of the person making the decision, but also by the quality and volume of the initial information. Field development rules provide for the mandatory determination of the actual production rate, the water cutting and the gas factor of well production. Field measurements are the basis for assessing the cost of hydrocarbon production, energy efficiency for certain periods of time. Qualitative field measurements form monthly operational reports and are included in the reporting system of the CDD. With the oil and gas industry's transition to digital solutions, field measurements become the most impotant element in the formation of a continuous-action three-dimensional hydrodynamic model. The creation of a workable, efficient model is largely determined by the availability of reliable information on basic (reference) wells in terms of fundamentally important indicators, the list of which is formed depending on the complexity of the field, development stage and management tasks. Field measuring devices are sources of information not only on wells operational characteristics, but also on the processes occurring in the reservoir, for operational management of development and support of a digital model. The use of basic technological indicators is not limited to the hydrodynamic model. The obtained data on the group metering plant are further used to calculate the collection system; preparation of decisions on the further use of water and gas in the field; data on the amount of water-oil emulsion are used to model the oil preparation process. Solving the problems of production management, including digital field, requires constant work to increase the accuracy, efficiency and reliability of measurements.


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