Optimization of the construction cost of linear surface objects using digital GIS systems and automated cost models

UDK: 622.276.7
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-8-90-93
Key words: Modeling of infrastructure facilities, automated selection of routes for linear objects, modeling of pipelines, modeling of motor roads, modeling of electric power transmission lines, map-based modeling, GIS systems, cost models of surface infrastructure facilities, automation of cost calculation of facilities, cost map.
Authors: R.N. Akhmetov (Ingenix Group LLC, RF, Moscow), I.E. Yunusov (Ingenix Group LLC, RF, Moscow)

Traditionally, linear surface infrastructure facilities of hydrocarbon fields include roads, power transmission lines, as well as infield and external pipelines with various intended uses. Considering that there are next to none “easy” reserves left in regions with a developed transport infrastructure, finding optimal investment solutions for hydrocarbon transport system facilities and other linear objects already at the conceptual design stage becomes critical.

To enable automated determination of optimal location of linear objects connecting the main on-site facilities of a field, a combination of three main components – technical characteristics, cartographic data (GIS) and cost models – is required.

The experience and industry expertise accumulated by Ingenix Group has made it possible to develop cost models for infrastructure facilities (including linear) based on the aggregate per unit cost indicators of process units. This in turn allowed to calculate physical volumes for each type of work with a cost breakdown by construction and installation works, equipment and other costs.

The next step was to connect the cartographic data of the territory of the Russian Federation and integrate it with cost models using geoanalysis tools. As a result, more than 30% of the entire set of technical parameters are now determined in an automated mode (directly from the topographic basis).

The final stage in the development of the cost optimization tool for the construction cost of linear surface objects was transformation of characteristics of a map surface – soils, obstacles, vegetation, land use type – into criteria and weights. The weights were used as the basis to prepare a cost map and to develop a mechanism to determine the optimal route corridor, where the construction cost would be minimal.

Methodological and software solutions for optimizing the construction cost of linear surface objects developed by Ingenix Group have significantly increased the speed and efficiency of cost engineers’ work at the stage of conceptual design of linear infrastructure facilities for the hydrocarbon field development.


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