The influence of organic deposits thermal conductivity on the result of modeling their formation

UDK: 622.692.4.052:665.61.033.22
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-7-140-144
Key words: wax deposits, thermal conductivity, thermal resistance, oil
Authors: P.Yu. Ilushin (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm), K.A. Vyatkin (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm), A.V. Kozlov (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm)

On the territory of the Perm region, the most common complication of fluid extraction and transportation is the formation of wax deposits. The formation and compaction of these deposits leads to an increase in pressure in the gathering system, premature equipment failure or accidents. A strong trend of the present time is the digitalization of the oil field, which includes the creation of "digital twins" of real fields. For qualitative modeling of all technological processes, it is necessary to determine the possibility of the formation of organic deposits and their spatial and temporal distribution. Existing models of paraffin formation take into account many parameters, including flow temperature, composition and properties of oil, pressure, flow rate and others. However, a number of models do not take into account the thermal conductivity of paraffin deposits. Based on the Heat Analogy model, the authors consider the process of paraffin formation in a linear oil pipeline. For one of the sections of this pipeline, the relative thermal resistances of each element of its section are determined at different thicknesses and thermal conductivity of organic deposits. It is shown that for this oil pipeline, the formed organic deposits can become the dominant thermal resistance if they occupy 8.7 % of the pipeline. The modeling of the formation of deposits in the oil pipeline under consideration at various values of thermal conductivity was also carried out. It is shown that the correct choice of this value can significantly affect the simulation result. Thus, when the thermal conductivity of deposits changes by 0,05 W/(m∙°К), the change in the predicted thickness of deposits can reach 20 %. From the results obtained, we can confidently conclude that accounting and correct assessment of the thermal conductivity of organic deposits is an important task in modeling the process of their formation.


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Ilyushin P. Y., Vyatkin K. A., Kozlov A. V. Development of a Method for
Estimating Thermal Conductivity of Organic Deposits on the Wax Flow Loop
Laboratory Installation, International Journal of Engineering, 2022, V. 35, no.
6, pp. 1178-1185.

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