Computer simulation of the defect locating method using three-axis load cells for oil and gas pumping equipment

UDK: 622.692.4.004.6
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-2-112-114
Key words: technical diagnostics, diagnostics, technical condition, strain gauge sensor, oil pumping unit, gas pumping unit
Authors: A.R. Valeev (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa)

The article is devoted to issue of technical diagnostics of oil and gas pumping equipment. Modern methods of technical diagnostics used in the oil and gas industry currently do not meet the modern requirements of automation and digitalization. The main sources of information for technical diagnostics are the values of vibration on the surface of the equipment, general parameters of the unit, temperature, acoustic parameters, information about the state of the oil, electrical parameters of the electric drive. All these methods are more or less empirical, difficult to automate, and require experimental work. Therefore, at the moment it is difficult to carry out automation, digitalization and transition to maintenance of equipment according to the actual technical condition on their basis. To solve this problem, the author develops a new method of equipment diagnostics, which uses force measurements at certain points of the equipment using three-axis load cells. By processing the measurements in real time, it is possible to obtain the spectra of forces and phases at each control point, and then, using the developed mathematical model, determine the exact coordinates of the source of vibrations in space – the defect. Together with the information about the frequency and intensity of vibrations, it is possible to identify the defect with high accuracy. A computer simulation of the application of the method was carried out, which showed high accuracy in determining the location of the sources of vibrations. Accordingly, the assumptions made do not affect the reliability of the developed mathematical model and the formulas presented.


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