Specifics of fluid flow in carbonate reservoirs by results of flow-after-flow tests in injection wells

UDK: 622.
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-2-74-78
Key words: long-term pressure and rate data, inflow performance relationship (IPR), exponential relationship, carbonate reservoirs, injection well, nonlinear flow
Authors: V.A. Iktissanov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), N.A. Smotrikov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), A.V. Baigushev (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma)

Carbonate reservoirs differ significantly from their sandstone counterparts and as such require alternative reservoir engineering approaches. Improvement of efficiency of development of carbonate reservoirs with as a rule low recovery factors has become the hottest topic for researches and operators. Tatneft PJSC has performed dedicated flow-after-flow tests, which involved 36 injection wells in carbonate reservoirs to improve understanding of fluid flow in carbonate rocks. The resultant long-term pressure and rate data defy description by linear flow models. Having analyzed nonlinear flow models, we decided on a model with an exponential relationship between the transmissibility and the pressure, which yielded a high description accuracy of inflow performance relationship (IPR) curves and acceptable accuracy of long-term pressure and rate data. The obtained pressure exponential coefficient of transmissibility exceeded by an order the deformation coefficient that accounts for the exponential change of permeability in core flooding experiments. This can possibly be explained by additional account for variations in the net thickness and the effective viscosity of the displaced oil vs. variations in pressure. A high per cent (94%) of smooth IPR curves suggests that increase of injection pressure results in gradual reopening of the existing fractures, both natural and induced, rather than creation of new ones, which has been a common belief. It was found that the conventional interpretation of drawdown curves using linear flow models yields multiple overestimations of fractures’ lengths in carbonate rocks (underestimation of geothermal skin factor). A reliable fracture length cannot be determined unless injection curve(s) and the flow model accounting for conductivity vs. pressure are additionally used. The obtained relationships will be used as input data for future model studies to improve our knowledge of carbonate rocks and to enhance the efficiency of waterflooded development of hydrocarbon assets in carbonate reservoirs.


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