Multi-flow ejector for subsea well plant

UDK: 553.697.5:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-112-116
Key words: multi-flow ejector, thrust vector, variable length link, CFD technology, jet pump, oil and gas production, subsea well plant, separate product transport
Authors: Yu.A. Sazonov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow); M.A. Mokhov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow); N.A. Eremin (Oil and Gas Research Institute of RAS, RF, Moscow); H.A. Tumanyan (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)

The paper studies the features of a multi-flow ejector equipped with variable-length links for thrust vector control. Ejectors due to their simple design, high reliability and cost-effectiveness are widely used in many industries, including oil and gas production. For the first time the conditions under which the thrust vector deviation angle can vary in the range from plus 180 to minus 180° in any direction within a full geometric sphere are considered from a general standpoint. Within the framework of conceptual design, using CFD technologies, kinematic schemes with variable-length links and with flexible links are considered. The technical capabilities for controlled energy distribution along multidirectional ejector channels are shown, while maintaining a constant pressure at the inlet to the nozzle apparatus. Options for upgrading the Laval nozzle with a rotary diffuser are considered. The research results are patented and are aimed at use in the educational process in the training of designers, based on the philosophy of science and technology, and based on Euler's methodology within the framework of interdisciplinary work. The results of the work carried out are mainly used for the development of scientific research and experimental design work in the creation of energy-efficient technologies for oil and gas production, including a subsea well plant and separate transport of commercial products to onshore complexes.




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