The article considers the realization of water shut-off pilot project in the conditions of a thin oil rim of the PK1 formation of the T field. A comparison of rheological characteristics of field and laboratory samples of chemical reagents was performed. Applicability criteria were developed, candidate wells were selected, water shut-off pilot project in the wells exploiting the PK1 formation of the field T was carried out. The technological success of the technologies was confirmed by a decrease in associated water, in some cases accompanied by an increase in oil production. New standard designs for limiting water shut-off were developed. The reagents AK-642 and Isoplast-D, previously studied in laboratory conditions as well as standard designs for limiting water shut-off in horizontal and multi-hole wells were tested. As a result of the pilot project carried out to limit water inflow, technological efficiency was obtained for 2 wells, presented in the form of a decrease in associated water and an increase in oil production. The failure to achieve technological efficiency for 1 well is due to a deviation from the original design of water shut-off. The next stage of work on water shut-off is planned, which involves reducing the operating costs of wells preparation (bottom-hole cleaning) and for logging.
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