Aquifers with mineralized formation water are applicable for long-term CO2 storage. Dissolving in water and weighting down the reservoir fluid, CO2 creates a slowly moving plume in the reservoir, which can persist within a certain area for a long time. The absence of faults and mineralization of formation water are important in selecting aquifer reservoirs for CO2 injection, but they are not the only factors. The filtration and volumetric characteristics of the reservoir are also extremely important. They ensure the desired injection capacity and CO2 coverage of the reservoir. Modern research shows that not all terrigenous reservoirs that contain hydrocarbons and are successfully developed with high productivity rates can be used for CO2 injection. In fact, for carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects it is reasonable to use only reservoirs of coastal-marine and shallow-marine sediments, which have a whole set of geological characteristics that ensure highly efficient operation of injection wells when CO2 is supplied to aquifers with initial reservoir pressure. The article discusses the results of a comparative analysis of the efficiency of reservoirs of various genesis and modeling of the CO2 injection efficiency parameter (Es), as well as its components and draws conclusions about the influence of geological parameters of the reservoir on this parameter.
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