An automated approach to the morphometric analysis of meandering river systems of Pliocene age (Pannonian Basin)

UDK: 550.834.017
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-20-23
Key words: morphometric analysis, seismic facial analysis, channel formation belt, forecast of channel sediment thickness, Pannonian basin
Authors: T.V. Olneva (Gazprom Neft Companу Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); M.Yu. Oreshkova (Gazprom Neft Companу Group, RF, Saint Petersburg)

The article discusses automated approaches to morphometric analysis used to study paleochannel systems established in the Pliocene sediments of the Pannonian basin. Paleochannel systems are of exploration interest, as they are associated with lithological traps of oil and gas, which underlines relevance of this work. The objects of the study are seismic images of paleocannels of Pliocene age, mapped according to the results of 3D seismic survey interpretation, geographically located in the Northern Banat region (Vojvodina, Serbia). The paper provides a justification for morphometric type of the selected objects, as well as a comparison of results of calculating the capacities of paleochannel deposits according to two alternative numerical dependencies with actual data on wells. The study tested two relationships established between the width of the channel formation belt and the thickness of channel sediments for modern meandering rivers (Collinson, 1978) and for river paleosystems (Fielding and Сrane, 1987). A comparison of calculated values with capacities of channel sediments interpreted from borehole data enables to recommend the use of Fielding and Crane dependence in the region. Implementation of automated analysis tools in the study of paleochannel sediments helps to reduce subjectivity in general estimates of local geological events and minimize labor costs.


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